Saturday 9-7-2024. 6:20 pm

Work on The Bluffs Road & St. James Bluffs (connector street) are complete and will re-open Sunday, morning!!!! St. Andrews Bluffs (the west entrance) will close tomorrow, after The Bluffs Road and St. James Bluffs re-open, to do touch-up work due to rain this past Thursday, and will re-open Monday morning.

The work performed will extend the life of our roads and we won't have to resurface, which is crazy expensive, for a long time, as long as we keep up maintenance!

Eight homes/villas are taking advantage of the discount extended and will be getting their driveways crackfilled/sealcoated one day next week. If anyone else is interested in getting a quote, let me know.

Thank you so very much for your patience!